The remote healthcare revolution: An investigation into HCPs’ perceptions of the evolving digital landscape – Part 2: Digital Therapeutics
Covadonga Fernández del Pozo Bielza, Associate Director, Prod OpnsAnalytics Solutions
Carolina Ricarte, Director, Product Offering Development
Tom Woods, Senior Consultant, EMEA Thought Leadership
Jan 17, 2024

Remote healthcare has revolutionized healthcare delivery. While this shift was accelerated by the short-term need for accessing medical services during the COVID-19 pandemic, it has continued to become a more long-term trend, prompting the medical community to adopt a new approach to patient care.

The second article in a 3-part series will explore the insights around Digital Therapeutics (DTx), focusing on doctors’ perception about adoption over the next few years. These results are based on the IQVIA primary market research “Remote patient care in 2023”.

Developing care delivery methods like DTx have opened new treatment pathways for a range of conditions, expanding the availability of healthcare to treat a broader range of patients.

The results of the survey confirm that DTx bring multiple benefits for patient disease management:

  • France, Spain, UK, Portugal, US, and India share a common top success factor as, overall, 71% of HCPs believe DTx increase the ability of patients to stay engaged and manage their disease more effectively. Interactive interfaces and personalised content facilitated by DTx frequently lead to better adherence to medication, likely leading to improved patient outcomes.
  • The second main success factor reported by doctors across the countries in scope is the increased ability to monitor patient adherence to treatment outside of a clinical setting.
  • “Lowering the stigma associated to certain diseases” is the third most important success factor, according to 64% of the participants. Patients dealing with mental health issues or other sensitive conditions may find it easier to seek help and treatment via a more private and/or anonymous digital setting.

All these success factors are contributing to the growing acceptance and integration of DTx into healthcare systems, providing an effective patient-centric approach to the treatment and management of various illnesses.

As DTx continue to evolve, there are likely several challenges that need to be overcome.

  • 72% HCPs believe that one of the major challenges relates to DTx credibility, as this needs to be established within the medical community to ensure strong uptake. Demonstrating effectiveness, safety and long-term outcomes are essential for gaining HCP acceptance as 61% consider “difficulties in generating robust clinical evidence” to be a major hurdle.
  • On the patient experience side, 67% of HCPs cite the patient learning curve as a key challenge. DTx must be designed to sustain long-term user engagement and adherence to treatment plans.

DIGITAL THERAPEUTICS are contributing to improving adherence and monitoring of treatment, likely leading to better outcomes for patients.

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