How AI/ML-backed Drug Discovery & Development Services Empower Pharmaceutical R&D
Nathan Sommerford, Global Lead, AI for Drug Discovery & Development
Aug 30, 2022

It typically takes 10-15 years and billions of dollars to bring a new drug to market, but fewer than 12% of drugs even make it through clinical development.

IQVIA’s Drug Discovery & Development Services provide solutions aimed at minimizing these barriers. The goal of our service offerings is to drive innovation in pharmaceutical R&D by focusing on expediting drug design and development through the prediction of clinical trial success.

Solutions with speed

With advances in high-throughput technologies and data management systems, there are now vast datasets to be applied in the field of biomedicine to provide more in-depth insights needed to fail early and fast, then make evidence-based, informed decisions. Utilizing IQVIA’s unparalleled data, our highly skilled machine learning engineers and data scientists produce solutions that shorten the development cycle.

These machine learning platforms and advanced AI models can do everything from helping generate new and stable molecular compounds to predicting the technical and regulatory success of a drug for a given indication. Drug Discovery & Development Services uncover new opportunities for companies and help them adapt to challenges with speed, agility, and confidence.

Drug Discovery & Development Services include:

Molecular Design & Optimization

Computational methods rooted in deep learning are leveraged to automate the molecular generation process for both identifying novel targets and designing new lead compounds. Targets are validated by identifying interactions early in the discovery process with lead target interaction, and by comparing with research literature using natural language extraction (NLE). This innovative approach enables greater productivity and shortens timelines needed to identify potential new molecules for investigation or refine existing molecules.

Biomarker Identification

Identifying patients who would benefit most from specialized treatments is transforming personalized medicine. AI-powered biomarker identification and validation supports R&D by identifying potential patients through prognostic and predictive markers to better profile patient subpopulations ahead of trial start up. Biomarkers include demographic, genetic and clinical data points. Biomarkers of interest are identified and validated through innovative approaches, such as deep computational phenotyping, to aid in patient stratification and increase knowledge of disease progression. Utilizing patient subpopulations derived through biomarker identification can increase trial success while lessening enrollment timelines and reducing costs.

Drug Repurposing

Repurposing approved drugs and those that have proven safety in Phase I/II trials saves vast amounts of clinical development time and money. By mining existing and failed compounds, assets and drugs for new uses, sponsors can focus solely on the clinical testing portion of the approval process, shortening development timelines and improving the probability of clinical trial success.

AI approaches used to maximize the value of existing drugs include literature extraction using natural language processing (NLP), machine learning from bioinformatics data, and mining of electronic medical records (EMR) and claims data.

We have built drug repurposing in such a way that it can look at the available chemical space — our approaches are disease and treatment agnostic. We can run pipelines for drug property, drug-to-drug interaction, drug target interaction, protein function, and protein-to-protein interaction predictions. All with a goal of augmenting the speed, accuracy, and cost of conducting these processes.

Predicting Clinical Trial Success with IQVIA’s Asset Intelligence Tool

Validate drug assets in development using AI/ML-powered technology that identifies predictions of the probability of technical and regulatory success for a given indication. IQVIA offers a tremendous depth and breadth of data with predictions based off more than 54,000 pathways, providing a snapshot of the entire clinical pipeline database.

Gain a competitive advantage by getting rapid insights into approved assets, those that are soon to be in the market, and those likely to enter in the future. These insights support better, faster business decisions while minimizing the overall resources and costs required for investment efforts.

These innovative solutions help produce novel drug designs, predict patient subpopulations for trial and protocol design, augment R&D teams with proven expertise and optimize trial success—all which can greatly reduce timelines and costs. IQVIA provides the global scale and expertise to reveal unseen insights, drive smarter decisions and discover new opportunities faster.

For more information on how to innovate to succeed, visit  IQVIA’s Drug Discovery & Development Services.

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