The GRACE Checklist: A Validated Assessment Tool for High Quality Observational Studies of Comparative Effectiveness
Nancy Dreyer, PhD, MPH, FISPE, Fellow DIA, Chief Scientific Officer and Senior Vice President, IQVIA Real World Solutions
Oct 20, 2016

AMCP published article by Nancy A Dreyer, PhD, MPH; Allison Bryant, MPH; and Priscilla Velentgas, PhD



BACKGROUND: Recognizing the growing need for robust evidence about treatment effectiveness in real-world populations, the Good Research for Comparative Effectiveness (GRACE) guidelines have been developed for noninterventional studies of comparative effectiveness to determine which studies are sufficiently rigorous to be reliable enough for use in health technology assessments.

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate which aspects of the GRACE Checklist contribute most strongly to recognition of quality.

To read the article in its entirety, please CLICK HERE

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