Livre Blanc
Industry Support for Patient Advocacy Organizations: Do You Have the Right Tools?
Oct 10, 2019

Patient Advocacy Organizations are key partners of Life Sciences companies. These influential industry stakeholders — generally non-profit entities — offer pharmaceutical and medical device manufacturers a unique perspective on the healthcare marketplace, but strategic, transparency-focused management of these relationships is imperative.

In the white paper, "Industry Support for Patient Advocacy Organizations: Do You Have the Right Tools?", Keysha Bradford, IQVIA Associate Director of Compliance Services, shares key take-aways on: 

  • A holistic view of Life Science companies' relationships with PAOs when providing financial support
  • Mutually supportive relationships that respect values and ensures independence 
  • The importance of comprehensive, flexible technology solutions that facilitate optimal interaction with PAOs
  • Strategies that promote transparency while mitigating and managing potential conflicts of interest

Patient Advocacy Organizations are key partners of Life Sciences companies. These influential industry stakeholders — generally non-profit entities — offer pharmaceutical and medical device manufacturers a unique perspective on the healthcare marketplace, but strategic, transparency-focused management of these relationships is imperative.

An Introduction to patient advocacy organizations

PAOs operate to provide patients (and sometimes their caregivers) with some combination of counseling, support and education to patients and their families. They fill a valuable niche in the healthcare ecosystem by spearheading awareness and research efforts, engaging in advocacy, shaping health policy and providing financial assistance to facilitate access to critical medications. Some also pursue agendas that include expanding coverage for drugs, devices and diagnostic procedures, or streamlining approval of experimental therapies.

These are critical relationships because PAOs can provide Life Sciences companies with access to the patient community and their collective knowledge, observations and experience-honed expertise. This deep level of insight can contribute to the strategic decision-making process on everything from research to awareness campaigns to product life-cycle management.


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