Scaling Up Inclusive Healthcare in LMICs: Policy Considerations Public Roundtable Webinar and Discussion

December 14, 2023


4:00pm - 5:30pm



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Background: Our previous research in profiling successful inclusive healthcare initiatives that have emerged over the past decade across a range of low- and- middle income countries has brought forward insights about the business models, best practices and innovative approaches that have been applied. This work has focused primarily on the entrepreneur-led efforts and results even as the policy environment has inevitably been a contributor or barrier to business success.

This is a non-commercial event hosted by the IQVIA Institute for Human Data Science that will focus on the policy considerations that are most important as health systems and entrepreneurs seek to advance the provision of healthcare services and achieve universal health coverage.

Participation is open to the public at no cost.

Format: The virtual symposium will begin with a recap of the Scaling Up Inclusive Healthcare in LMICs research by the IQVIA Institute and Hystra and framing of issues for discussion of highlights, followed by a moderated discussion among panelists and time for Q&A submitted by the audience.

Confirmed panelists to date:

Naa Akwetey, SVP Strategy and Business Development, mPharma
Agnes Binagwaho, Ph.D., MD, Senior Lecturer on Global Health and Social Medicine, Harvard University
Farouk Meralli, CEO, SwipeRx
Greg Perry, Assistant Director General, IFPMA

Moderator: Murray Aitken, Executive Director, IQVIA Institute for Human Data Science

Potential areas of discussion:
  • Regulation of medicines, including pharmaceutical licensing, handling and distribution, prescribing and dispensing/administration
  • Regulation of businesses, including licensing, competition rules, tax, and financial reporting
  • Patient/consumer rights and protections, including access to healthcare and medicines, privacy, and data security
  • Healthcare delivery and quality, including licensing of healthcare facilities, setting of guidelines, public health priorities, outcomes measures
  • Funding, including budget setting and allocation, prioritization, public/private partnership arrangements
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