Pharmaceutical Market Mexico

Monthly sales report of medications (Rx + OTC), for the projected retail market. It can be reported by therapeutic class, application methods, corporations, labs, brands, molecules and SKUs, with historical data from up to 5 years of information.


Market Segmentation

Additional features for the PMM, which allow for new market assessment methods through different generic, patents, pediatric products, state of the Republic, and distribution channel classifications.


Drug Distribution Data

Monthly reporting of retail and non-retail drug sales for up to 2,220 geographic units made up of over 22 distribution channels, and submitted through structured reports according to the customer's needs.


Prescription based Solutions

Sample information based on the medical prescription registered at points of sale of the pharmacy chains, offering physician data according to specialty and geo-localization.


National Therapeutics and Diseases Index

Quarterly study that provides diagnostic information and prescriptive trends broken down according to medical specialty, patient profile, desired effects and co-prescriptions.


Government Supplies and Drug Tracker

Monthly report on distribution, consumption and inventory of the two main Mexican institutions of Mexico’s public sector, the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS), and the Institute for Social Security and Services for State (ISSSTE).


Government Tracking Tool

Monthly information platform with 2 years of history and specific CCB's display related to the main health institutions (IMSS and ISSSTE). With Sales Force manage replacement orders, demand generation, and projections.


Non Retail Channels

Monthly report of drug sales in the non-retail or institutional market, drug sales report that can be ordered and grouped under therapeutic classes, application methods, corporations, labs, brands and SKUs, with historical data of up to 3 years of information.


Pharma Price Monitor

Solution that provides real and per-channel follow-up of consumer sales prices at the presentation level (SKU) for medications as well as for health care products.


Flu, Cold & Respiratory Activity Notification Program

Weekly monitoring from September through March of the community affected by symptoms related to respiratory conditions in 29 states of the Republic and with prognosis over the following four weeks.


Private Market Mexico for Consumer

Monthly sales report of health care products grouped in 4 large market segments: OTC, Patient Care, Personal Care and Nutritionals, made in the projected retail market, which can be reported by categories, application methods, corporation, labs, brands and SKU's, with historic information of up to 5 years of information.


National Detailed Distribution Data for Consumer Health

Monthly reporting of retail sales of healthcare products up to 2,033 geographic units built from 10 distribution channels, and submitted through structured reports according to customer’s needs.



It is a platform of Information Services related to health professionals: physicians, nurses, hospitals, pharmacies. It is proactively updated under a world-class standardized model and it complies with information privacy requirements in every country. 

With bi-directional interface functionality that allow easy access to the data of professionals directly in the Customer’s CRM. In addition, through physicians’ attribute information, OneKey facilitates strategic segmentation for decision-making.



Pharmaceutical benchmarking to optimize physician segmentation tactics and visits, to enhance a target market in accordance with business units.



Weekly reporting of retail and non-retail drug sales for up to 2,033 geographic units built from among over 22 distribution channels, and submitted through structured reports according to customer’s needs.



It is a unique analytical tool and an online system that gathers, globalizes and broadens health facts and figures from over 70 countries.


Analytics Link

Combining intelligence and necessary analysis in a single view, and an online platform with global and local information about molecules, therapies, institutions and countries. For each parameter, information can be reviewed on demand, pipeline, patents, releases, negotiations and qualitative information.

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