Research Support

Support for empirically rigorous, actionable, and policy-relevant studies to advance the field of Human Data Science through partnerships with academic researchers from a variety of disciplines, including pharmacy, medicine, economics, and public policy.

Research Support
Shaping the future of healthcare
The IQVIA Institute supports empirically rigorous, actionable, and policy-relevant studies to advance the field of Human Data Science through its partnership with academic researchers from a variety of disciplines, including pharmacy, medicine, economics, and public policy. We particularly encourage research that contributes to a positive impact on public health, such as improved access to healthcare, understanding social and economic disparities, and research topics that represent an unmet or underserved need.

Recent areas of supported research include the impact of COVID-19 on health systems, effect of policy on prescription opioid utilization and treatment, and advancements in the use of innovative technology in healthcare.

Research priorities

The IQVIA Institute welcomes proposals examining most aspects of healthcare with the following high-priority areas of greatest interest:

  • Comparative effectiveness
  • Drug utilization trends and expenditure
  • Real world practice
  • Geographic variations in care
  • Socio-economic variations in care

Comparative Effectiveness Research

  • Evaluations of which interventions work best, for whom, and under what circumstances
  • Analyses of how comparative effectiveness research is reflected in clinical practice

Drug Utilization Trends and Expenditures

  • Analysis of national trends in prescription drug utilization and office-based care
  • Examination of adoption of new therapies among patient and physician subpopulations
  • Evaluation of prescription use and expenditures and factors that influence these trends

Real-World Practice

  • Analysis of association between patient, physician, and health system characteristics and practice patterns
  • Establishment of best practices and quality metrics for specific conditions or populations, including for preventive care and screening
  • Utilization trends and costs in specific medical areas, such as oncology, cardiovascular disease or rare diseases where orphan drugs or specialty drugs are used

Geographic Variations in Care

  • Examination of geographic variations in treatments, costs and outcomes
  • Ecologic studies examining how geographic variation in prescription use (e.g., antibiotics) is associated with specific outcomes (e.g., antimicrobial resistance)
  • Studies using geographic variation in use to infer information regarding disease or treatment prevalence

Socio-Economic Variations in Care

  • Socio-economic disparities in processes and outcomes of care
  • Disparities in access to medicine or healthcare based on race, ethnicity or income

  • Studies of diseases which embed inherent socioeconomic impact on morbidity or epidemiological variations due to race or ethnicity

How Researchers Can Benefit from IQVIA Data

Through collaboration with the IQVIA Institute, researchers have access to a broad range of proprietary databases and tools to support independent research, discovery work and requirement development for future funded studies.

Our goal is to partner with researchers who have the professional recognition, the exposure, and the funding to sustain a steady stream of influential research. Through these valuable partnerships, we can continue to optimize the application of our assets and make a positive impact on public health, health policy and healthcare delivery.

To this end, IQVIA information can be made available at pricing tailored to the academic research community for approved researchers conducting studies in health services.

Learn more about available data here: Available IQVIA Data.

Below are the most frequently requested U.S.-based datasets.

IQVIA Real World Data

  • De-identified patient activity across healthcare channels including Prescription Claims (retail and mail), Medical Claims, Hospital EMR, Health Plan, Consumer Behavior
  • 300+ million anonymous patients
  • Data available starting with the early 2000’s
  • Data can be linked (for example Prescription Claims and Medical claims) via the unique non-identified patient I.D

IQVIA Prescription Drug Data

  • Over 90% coverage for dispensed prescriptions
  • National views and sub-national views to state, county, zip code or prescriber granularity
  • Retail, mail and long-term care channels
  • Age, gender, co-pay, method of payment and payer details

IQVIA OneKey Reference Assets

  • Organization and professional reference data
  • Includes NPI, AMA, SLN, DEA, and AOA
  • Over 700,000 organizations and >9Mn professionals
  • Includes physicians, nurse practitioners and physician assistants
  • Includes ACOs, IDNs and affiliations
IQVIA Institute Research Forum
This annual forum brings together multi-disciplinary researchers based in academia and other public or private institutions to exchange perspectives and experiences in advancing the collective understanding of critical healthcare-related issues through evidence-based research.

Collaborating with the IQVIA Institute

Researchers interested in collaborating with the IQVIA Institute on specific research studies should direct questions to

In addition, we ask that the researcher provide a CV and any relevant, supplementary information. Proposals will be reviewed and evaluated on the basis of their likely impact on healthcare, innovativeness, timeliness, methodology, practicality, and investigator qualifications. If chosen for follow-up, the Institute will schedule a time to discuss the request and determine which assets and capabilities best suit the research design and objectives.

We may also make recommendations for altering the design, when appropriate, based on our many years of experience in supporting this kind of research. This sometimes involves an iterative process to optimize the use and application of the data and to ensure the optimal result for the researcher.

In the event that requests require grant funding to cover costs, we may provide a letter of support to help facilitate the grant application process.

Please direct questions about proposals, available data, and the application process to:

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