Position Paper on Indonesia Halal Policy for Medical Technologies
An industry perspective
May 09, 2023

Despite the growing demand for halal-compliant products, the development of halal regulations in the MedTech sector has been slow and fragmented. Companies face significant challenges in ensuring compliance, including a lack of clear and consistent guidelines, limited technical expertise, and difficulties in securing halal certification. These challenges can result in significant costs and delays for companies, and can also lead to confusion and mistrust among consumers. This position paper aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the current state of halal regulations in the MedTech industry and the challenges faced by companies in ensuring compliance. It also outlines potential solutions and best practices for achieving and maintaining halal compliance in the industry. The paper includes perspectives from industry experts, halal certifying organizations, and stakeholders in the Islamic community, and provides valuable insights into the future of halal regulations in the MedTech sector.

The paper provides a holistic perspective on the implications of Halal certifications in Indonesia through feedback gathered from various stakeholders within the Halal ecosystem

A strategic paper jointly developed by IQVIA MedTech and APACMed.

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